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Human Evolution Resources Moral intuitions A basic insight of social psychology is that our beliefs and attitudes about ethical-moral issues are also largely influenced
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Impacts on the Environment All living things live in interaction with their environment. That is, their behavior changes the
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Resource Use All living things use resources from their environment to survive, to grow, to reproduce. However, if the
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Social (In)Equality For most of our evolutionary history, we humans have been living in small groups, with no
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Democracy For most part of our evolutionary history, we humans have been living in small groups, with no more
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Population Growth Through better and better tools and technologies, our species has been able to make better and
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Living Standards As technologies have improved and have spread faster between people and regions, more and more people have come to live
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Food production An important element that was important to the survival and reproduction of our ancestors was the
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Spread of Innovations Technologies that facilitate or improve life and that do not entail any other direct costs or
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Social Networking Throughout our evolutionary history, our ancestors lived in ever larger groups. Due to the need for
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Technologies Since the beginning of our genus Homo, our ancestors probably relied on the use of good tools to get food,
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Education The high ability for social learning is one of the characteristics that sets us apart from other species. Learning
Connecting the Past, Present, and Future Communication Human language has been a successful adaptation throughout evolutionary history because it has allowed information, knowledge and technology
A collection of materials for connecting past human evolution to the present and the future. Students explore global trends and relationships between human behavior,
Discoverer, Noticer, Advisor Resources on the DNA-V model Psychologists Louise Hayes and Joseph Ciarocchi have developed the DNA-V model. It contains the metaphors of
This activity lets students explore the six different values domains by considering why we humans might have evolved to find these areas of life
Human Evolution Resources Throwing and body coordination Some features of our body indicate that they are adaptations for the ability to throw objects. Thus,
Students learn about the concept of evolutionary mismatch and apply it to various problems of sustainable development.
Students explore the concept of cultural evolution by comparing it to genetic evolution based on a number of concepts, and explore why cultural evolution
Stories of lost explorers that tell us about the importance of cultural knowledge to our survival.
Teaching resources and information for learning about the concept of evolutionary mismatch in human behavior and its potential role in sustainable development
A cooperation game that simulates the challenge of our stone age ancestors to acquire food in the African savanna