Co-evolving the OpenEvo Educational Design Concept with emerging advances in Artificial Intelligences

AI is an interdisciplinary topic that presents completely novel challenges to, and unparalelled opportunities for, existing models of education

Building on the OpenEvo Educational Design Concept, we are developing foundational supports for needed interdisciplinary innovations at the intersection of evolution, behavior, and sustainability sciences. We are working to map the structure of our educational innovation labs and interdisciplinary database system to the challenges and opportunities presented by emerging AI technology. 

Areas of application for OpenEvo AI innovations

We are focusing our innovations around selected strategies within the broadly overlaping spaces of educational design, community science, and open science movements.

Simple supports for prompt engineering and workflows for lesson design through AI models like ChatGPT can provide educators with a powerful new toolkit for the design and improvement of interdisciplinary educational innovations.

We are using the tools of community science to empower the values of school communities to drive their engagement with, and influence on, diverse Artificial Intelligences. This includes a focus on conceptual understanding of AI technology as well as questions of machine behavior and agency. It also includes an emphasis on adaptive flexibility, or the values-driven changes to our minds, behaviors, and (school) cultures as related to the cultural co-evolution of AI technologies. That is – how do AI technologies and human cultures interact? How can humans influence these interactions in valued ways? These are processes we call community-based cultural evolution.

We are working to outline the secure open science workflows and data management pipelines that can empower students and teachers to utilize AI technology for virtual mentorship in understanding the human condition, and community-based processes of school improvement.

Get involved!

If you are interested in getting involved with our broader vision for AI innovation in education, or want to connect on a specific project (e.g. below), then use this form to get in touch and we look forward to exchanging with you!

Our AI Innovation Project Space

Explore our growing range of projects and resources below, and connect with us to advancing these possibilities in your school or university!

OpenEvo Guide to Using AI Tools for Lesson Development

This document is intended to give you some ideas on how you can use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to design a lesson or unit that integrates competencies in Education for Sustainable Development, concepts of human behavior and behavioral science, and topics of sustainable development.


A collaborative project space for developing open tools for research into the evolutionary reasoning of students, experts, and AIs.

Machine Behavior & Agency

How should we think about the actions and functions of machines in society? How can a science of machine behavior help us understand and influence the evolving computational systems that increasingly influence the world at large?