
The OpenEvo TeachingBase provides a roadmap
to our interdisciplinary collection of teaching resources.

Featured OpenEvo collections

Explore a selection of our interdisciplinary teaching materials below, while we work to enable our fully searchable database.

Thinking Tools

Thinking tools are used across diverse lessons to develop the skills of evolutionary anthropologists, behavioral scientists, and sustainability scientists

OpenEvo H5P collection

A collection of interactive H5P activities around the themes of evolution, behavior, sustainability

Connecting Past, Present, and Future

A collection of materials for connecting past human evolution to the present and the future. Students explore global trends and relationships between human behavior, technologies, social organization, environment, and well-being.

Featured Modules & Syllabi

Explore modules, syllabi, and related lessons.

Featured external collections

Explore a selection of interdisciplinary teaching materials from our friends and partners, while we work to enable our fully searchable database.

What Kind of Mind?

‘What Kind of Mind?’ provides teaching resources to introduce pupils to research ideas about animal minds.