Our Lab Models for
Educational Innovation​

Human behaviors, particularly those behaviors relevant to past, present, and future human evolution, well-being, and sustainable development, provide a unique focal point for interdisciplinary learning across grade levels and subject areas. Because human behavior is central to understanding our evolutionary and cultural histories, our developmental life histories, our everyday experiences, and our globalizing futures, this conceptual lens on curriculum design relates to a wide diversity of challenges facing educational development. The potential opportunities presented by using scientific perspectives on human behavior as both a context and content for educational innovation may be significant, but are not currently being broadly engaged within global K-12 educational development communities. This may be due to a complex set of factors spanning issues of curriculum structure, teacher training, as well as the history and contemporary sociology of the human behavioral and education sciences.

To engage this complex of challenges and opportunities, OpenEvo is based on our twin lab model for educational innovation, informed by our Theory of School Improvement. Most lab activities and resources are developed within the modules on our Learning Hub, however, you can also learn more about each lab model on the pages in the lab menus above.