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Warum menschliches Verhalten im Zentrum von Bildung und Lernen ist
In diesem TEDx Vortrag spricht OpenEvo Koordinator Dustin Eirdosh, darüber warum menschliches Verhalten ein zentrales, fächerübergreifendes Thema in der Bildung sein sollte.
Why human behavior is at the center of education and learning
Watch OpenEvo co-founder, Dustin Eirdosh, deliver a TEDx talk on teaching human behavior as an interdisciplinary theme.
Frontiers for Young Minds
Frontiers for Young Minds Artikel für Kinder und Jugendliche
Blogs und online Artikel
Blog-Beiträge und andere Online-Artikel

What was Darwin thinking? A Lesson From The Psychology of Evolution
To understand how the theory of evolution has developed, we have to understand what exactly Darwin was thinking. Rather, I should say we have to understand how he was thinking.

Education is an Evolutionary Science. Why Don’t We Teach It That Way?
Educational sciences have long be informed by discussions in the evolutionary sciences, so why don’t teacher education programs (or whole school communities) explore these fascinating big questions on the nature of humans, learning, and schooling?

Finding Purpose in Evolution Education
How should evolution educators help students reconcil the human sense of purpose with the complex processes of evolutionary change?

It’s Time to Fix Evolution’s Public Relations Problem
Evolution has a public relations problem. Not the well-known problem of evolution acceptance on religious grounds, but rather one which also includes secular and scientific communities. This is the problem of accepting the relevance of evolutionary theory for understanding the human condition.

Elinor’s Classroom: Developing a Connected Concept of the Commons for 21st Century Civic Education
There is an important link between Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom’s scientific work on collective action, and emerging perspectives in the evolutionary human sciences, such that this work may also have significant import for how we teach evolution science itself.

Transfer of Learning in Evolution Understanding: A Challenge Not Just For Students
One of the “holy grails” of education is to develop in students the ability to transfer their prior learning to new contexts and, most importantly, to the world and their lives outside of the classroom. How educators and scientists think about evolution may relate to how we achieve (or not) this elusive goal of learning that transfers.

Evolving Minds: Learning as Evolution, Evolution as Learning
This article explores the relationship between the scientific and vernacular use of the evolution concept as it relates to individual and social learning processes. We argue that the systematic exploration of learning as an evolutionary process, and evolution as a learning process holds untapped educational potential, a potential that is hampered by systemic conceptual biases among mainstream evolution educators.

We teach behavioral science, but… what exactly is behavior?
Human behavior, in one form or another, is something we are all thinking about every day, if not most of the day. In our pre-service teacher education course, one of the first things we do is question and clarify our basic conceptions that we know what behavior actually is.

Teaching evolution as an interdisciplinary science
A new Curriculum and Education article in Evolution Education Outreach argues for the educational potential of teaching evolution as an interdisciplinary science – highlighting the problems with the gene-centered and biology focused mainstream of evolution education.

Why human behavior is at the center of education
A new TEDx talk at the Leipzig International School outlines the centrality of understanding the human condition as a focus for 21st century education. Teaching at the intersection of evolution, behavior, and sustainability science offers a new landscape for interdisciplinary learning
Eirdosh, D., & Hanisch, S. (2020). Can the science of Prosocial be a part of evolution education. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 13 (5). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12052-020-00119-7