

Parraguez, C., Núñez, P., Krüger, D., & Cofré, H. (2021). Describing changes in student thinking about evolution in response to instruction: the case of a group of Chilean ninth-grade students. Journal of Biological Education, 1-17.

Although much research exists of students’ alternative conceptions about evolution and natural selection, the way in which these vary in time and how scientific explanations change during instruction remains to be described and understood. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to characterise the nature of the change in student thinking about evolution through the mechanism of natural selection during a six-lesson intervention with a group of ninth-grade students (14–15 years old) from a private subsidised school in Chile.

Parraguez, C., Núñez, P., Krüger, D., & Cofré, H. (2021). Describing changes in student thinking about evolution in response to instruction: the case of a group of Chilean ninth-grade students. Journal of Biological Education, 1-17. Read More »

Sherry, D. S. (2019). Does knowledge of evolutionary biology change high school students’ attitudes about healthy eating?. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 12(1), 1-11.

A small study was conducted at a New England high school and consisted of two research components: (1) a cross-sectional survey of students’ views about what “healthy eating” means and (2) an intervention experiment designed to isolate exposure to knowledge of evolutionary biology. Data were collected through the use of questionnaires and analyzed according to qualitative methods.

Sherry, D. S. (2019). Does knowledge of evolutionary biology change high school students’ attitudes about healthy eating?. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 12(1), 1-11. Read More »

Kulturelle Evolution

Unterrichtsmaterialien zur menschlichen Evolution Kulturelle Evolution Zu Charles Darwins Zeiten wusste man noch nichts von Genen. Darwin und andere wussten nur, aus Beobachtungen in der Welt, dass Nachkommen ihren Eltern ähneln, und dass Organismen in ihren Merkmalen variieren. Neue Merkmale entstehen in irgendeiner Weise, und Merkmale werden in irgendeiner Weise an Nachkommen vererbt. So formulierte

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