Language: English
PhotoVoice is a participatory research method. Community members are asked to take photographs of places or situations regarding a particular question.
A questionnaire or interview protocol to capture conceptions about the Self-Directed Education model of school design
Ethnography is the documentation of culture. There are many ways to develop an ethnography, depending on the aims, context, and resources of the researchers.
Learn about the Leipzig School Field Site Region.
Leipzig is home to OpenEvo. We are in the early stages of working towards understanding and
Students can and should be involved in the science-informed processes of community-based cultural evolution within their own school. Because this can be a complex task,
Exploring the potential to integrate interdicsiplinary approaches in evolutionary studies as a foundation for innovations in Education for Sustainable Development.
When people must share things, what does it mean to share fairly? Do all people around the world have the same idea of what
We present a teaching tool, used widely in other parts of science and science education, yet perhaps underutilized in human evolution education—the causal map—as