NetLogo computer simulations of social-ecological systems

The topics of evolution and sustainability are associated with several learning difficulties, because they are the result of complex interrelationships which usually take place over larger space and time dimensions. Computer simulations or dynamic models can help to overcome these learning difficulties – similar to telescopes and microscopes, they allow things to be observed that are normally not visible to the „naked eye“. Computer simulations can model processes over larger scales of space and time and are therefore particularly suitable for observing, investigating, and understanding ecological relationships, population patterns, and evolutionary processes.

This topic is about the (further) development of agent-based models with the NetLogo software and associated teaching materials and their implementation and evaluation in the 8th-12th grade classrooms.

This topic is also part of the AmselO project (agent-based modeling of social-ecological systems with NetLogo) (duration Oct. 2022 – Sept. 2024) supported by the Joachim Herz Foundation.

for information, materials, and ideas on this topic see here