Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft Technologien Seit dem Erscheinen der Gattung Homo waren unsere Vorfahren wahrscheinlich für ihr Überleben vom Gebrauch guter Werkzeuge abhängig. Diejenigen, die bessere
Fach: MINT
Educational research and design questions related to the concept of Artificial Intelligences and Human-Machine Behavior.
In this chapter, we argue that students’ conceptual understanding of CPR dilemmas through exploration and critical reflections on human and non-human examples is central
What is the relationship between understanding evolutionary science and socio-scientific issues? That is the question this e-book takes up through theoretical and practical chapter
Tools for thinking about the origins, diversity, and flexibility of goal-directed behaviors
Dieses Modell führt das Konzept der Ressourcennutzungseffizienz in die Evolution von Ressourcennutzung ein.
This topic is about the (further) development of agent-based models with the NetLogo software and associated teaching materials and their implementation and evaluation in