Our interdisciplinary teacher’s guide outlines our educational design concept. It provides introductory readings around core concepts of human sciences and ideas for exploring them
Grade or Expertise Level: Undergraduate
An educational project for the development and evaluation of computer simulations and digital teaching resources supported by the Joachim Herz Foundation
A collection of protocols for understanding the everyday ethnotheories of school origins across human development and cultures.

- School curricula are divided by subject areas rather than focusing on deeper interdisciplinary conceptual relationships
School curricula are divided by subject areas rather than a focus on deeper interdisciplinary conceptual relationships
Payoff matrices can help us analyze the behavioral strategies and possible outcomes in diverse situations across biology and society.
Causal mapping helps us reflect on the interdependent relationships between agents and entities within complex systems.
Analogy mapping is a tool for thinking about similarities and differences between different concepts or phenomena.
Tinbergen’s Questions can help organize complex causality of behaviors and other phenomena across time.
Schools are central social environments for young people to grow and develop themselves. How schools are governed, and which norms, values, and institutions get