The Community Science Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology is developing a unique model of Community-Based Cultural Evolution (CBCE) for inter-institutional
Fach: Menschliche Evolution
Throughout the literature on Cultural Evolutionary Theory (CET) attention
is drawn to the existence and significance of an analogy between biological
phenomena and socio-cultural phenomena (the
Using an analogy of epi-genetic expression in relation to the cultural genome of the school curriculum, educators and school stakeholders (including students) may explore
Develop a lower secondary school training program on deeper and more interdisciplinary perspectives in moral psychology
Evolutionäre Anthropologie in der Grundschule – ein Lehramtsmodul für Grundschullehramt
Develop a middle grades training program on foundations in moral psychology
Humans across cultures and from early in childhood display a diversity of often strong moral beleifs and related actions in the world. Understanding the
Biology’s next great horizon is to understand cells, tissues and organisms as agents with agendas (even if unthinking ones).
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