Evolution  •  Behavior  •  Sustainability

Educational Innovation Research for Understanding Humans

Our teacher’s guide offers a fun and practical introduction to our educational design concept and core content anchors.

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OpenEvo curates a vast and rich landscape of interdisciplinary learning opportunities on human evolution, behavior, and sustainability. We welcome educators, students, and researchers to explore our existing resources.

Connect with us if you are interested in working with us on educational innovations for understanding humans.

Our students and collaborators understand the value

in our interdisciplinary approach to educational innovation

Our resource databases

Our network of databases within this platform (the OpenEvo Bases) are organized around broad themes of educational design. Resources from our bases are integrated across this site, and within modules in our Learning Hub.

Our database of teaching materials, lessonsunits, and syllabi organized across thematic collections.

Check out the TeachingBase Home to find popular lesson collections from OpenEvo and partners.

Our database of projects that either inform, contribute to, and/or result from OpenEvo.

Best explored from the ProjectBase Home.

Our database of research methods related to educational design research at OpenEvo.

Best explored from the MethodsBase Home.

Our database of academic research and other literature relevant to our educational design concept.

Learn more at the LiteratureBase Home.

Educational Innovation Labs

OpenEvo curates a vast and rich landscape of interdisciplinary learning opportunities on human evolution, behavior, and sustainability. We welcome educators, students, and researchers to explore our existing resources.

Connect with us if you are interested in working with us on educational innovations for understanding humans.

Educational Design Lab

Our Educational Design Lab is a global community resource for supporting and evaluating innovations in teaching human behavior as an interdisciplinary theme, and evolution as an interdisciplinary science.

Use the links below or in the main menu above to navigate across core Educational Design Lab pages.

Community Science Lab

Our Community Science Lab (CSL) model engages school students in applied projects that seek to understand and improve elements of school culture and curriculum that are important to school communities. We have been collaborating with schools in Leipzig and internationally since our launch in 2019.

Use the links below or in the main menu above to navigate across core Community Science Lab pages.

Learning Hub

The OpenEvo Learning Hub We are developing a range of open syllabi and e-learning experiences for students, teachers, teacher educators, curriculum designers, and the interested public on teaching human behavior as an interdisciplinary theme.