World Café
In this method, learners talk in different groups about specific problems or questions. The aim is to get them talking to each other as easily as possible, just like in a cafe.
In this method, learners talk in different groups about specific problems or questions. The aim is to get them talking to each other as easily as possible, just like in a cafe.
We are all equal, but some are more equal than others. In this activity, participants take on roles and move forward depending on their experiences and opportunities in life. This method raises awareness about inequality of opportunity, develops imagination and critical thinking and fosters empathy with others who are less fortunate.
Take a Step Forward Read More »
A freeze frame is a frozen constellation of a problem, social situation or topic. Relationships between people and essential character traits of people are presented.
Information about the history of education
Connecting the past, present, and future – Education Read More »
Our interdisciplinary teacher’s guide outlines our educational design concept. It provides introductory readings around core concepts of human sciences and ideas for exploring them in the classroom.
A Teacher’s Guide to Evolution, Behavior, and Sustainability Science Read More »
How can we use insights about human evolution, human behavior, and the causal interactions in social-ecological systems to address local, regional and global sustainability issues? How can we use these understandings to solve real world problems?
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Read More »