Research Journal

A research journal helps students to record information, observations, expectations, wishes, results and reflections. This allows them to accompany the research process independently. The method is therefore well suited to introducing students to independent learning.

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In this method, the students work with a matrix in which they can categorize different projects and research ideas. This helps them to prioritize the ideas and assess what support they might need for an idea.

In this method, the students work with a matrix in which they can categorize different projects and research ideas. This helps them to prioritize the ideas and assess what support they might need for an idea.

In this method, the students work with a matrix in which they can categorize different projects and research ideas. This helps them to prioritize the ideas and assess what support they might need for an idea.

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The aim of this method is to break down entrenched thought patterns by having students take on different roles and thus adopt different perspectives. The method involves three roles: the dreamer, the realizer and the critic. The group takes on the role of the dreamer first and then slips into the role of the realizer and the critic.

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Think-Pair-Share is a method in which learners first think individually about a question or problem, then discuss their thoughts in pairs and finally together as a whole group. The three-stage process thus offers learners the opportunity to explore a topic in depth in different social forms.

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