Subject Area: Music
Darwin Tunes was a project in the 2010’s. DarwinTunes was developed as a digital test-bed for the evolution of music, the oldest and
Music is a pervasive cultural practice that has been present in ancient civilizations through to the present, yet its evolutionary signifcance has not been
Even those of us who can’t play a musical instrument or lack a sense of rhythm can perceive and enjoy music. Research shows that
Develop a lower secondary school training program on deeper and more interdisciplinary perspectives in moral psychology
Evolutionary Anthropology in the Primary School – a pre-service primary teacher module
Develop a middle grades training program on foundations in moral psychology
Analogy mapping is a tool for thinking about similarities and differences between different concepts or phenomena.
Tinbergen’s Questions can help organize complex causality of behaviors and other phenomena across time.
What can we learn from our own thoughts and intuitions about human evolution, behavior, and sustainability? Understanding the causes of our perceptions, intuitions, and