Curriculum Overload – Improvement
Curriculum Overload is a complex phenomena in which schools face challenges in creating adaptive learning environments for students.
Curriculum Overload – Improvement Read More »
Curriculum Overload is a complex phenomena in which schools face challenges in creating adaptive learning environments for students.
Curriculum Overload – Improvement Read More »
Clarifying values and sense of purpose can be a strategy for improving school culture, academic, and social-emotional learning.
Values clarification Read More »
Using an analogy of epi-genetic expression in relation to the cultural genome of the school curriculum, educators and school stakeholders (including students) may explore possibilities to strategically organize the scope or sequence of the curriculum for a give class, subject, grade level or grade band.
Develop a lower secondary school training program on deeper and more interdisciplinary perspectives in moral psychology
Develop a middle grades training program on foundations in moral psychology
Develop a middle grades training program on foundations in moral psychology Read More »
Humans across cultures and from early in childhood display a diversity of often strong moral beleifs and related actions in the world. Understanding the diversity and commonalities in human moral reasoning can be seen as a prequisite for engaging in public discourse on highly contentious and complex social or ecological issues. Schools can work to ensure an iterative, scaffolded, interdisciplinary curriculum that support adaptive understandings of diverse perspectives in moral psychology.
Scaffold and ensure adaptive understandings of moral psychology Read More »
School curricula are divided by subject areas rather than a focus on deeper interdisciplinary conceptual relationships
Schools should help students develop a minimum metacognitive understanding of the concept of ethnotheories of everyday life, and the similarities and differences between everyday learning and scientific learning. This is especially critical in the domains of self, schooling, and society.
Scaffold and ensure adaptive Theories of Self, Schooling, and Society Read More »
Students can and should be involved in the science-informed processes of community-based cultural evolution within their own school. Because this can be a complex task, schools should have some form of Community Science Lab (CSL), a group of students that are supported in more systematic approaches to school improvement through educational design thinking.
Develop School-Based Community Science Labs Read More »