Evolving Schools
A Community Science Journal for Educational Systems Improvement
Submission guidelines
Here you will find links and information regarding everything you need to know to successfully submit your work to our community science journal.
In addition to our policies above, please ensure you appropriately register your school (for student or school teams) and/or yourself (for youth reviewers, youth mentors, educators and experts).
For students aged 16+: register as a youth reviewer
For undergraduate or graduate students: register as a youth mentor
For school partners: register your school as a field site
For educators: register as a contributing educator
For researchers and other professionals: register as an expert contributor
Ready to submit?
If you have reviewed all of our policies and feel you are ready to submit your work, then first, log in, and enter the portal below:
Accepted article types
There are two steps to develop an article submission to our journal, which can be done in any order.
You should explore specific calls for submissions, which focus on particular themes and questions. Additionally, you should review the accepted article types below, each of which also includes a suggested scope and length. It is not required to answer a specific call for submission, however, all submissions must fit within one or more of the article types below.
Short articles (2-5 pages) that reflect the voice and perspectives of youth related to issues of school and society.
Short articles (2-5 pages) that reflect the voice and perspectives of educators related to issues of school and society.
Short articles (2-5 pages) that reflect the voice and perspectives of community members related to issues of school and society.
Articles related to projects or initiatives aiming to understand some valued aspects of a specific school or school system (e.g. a regional school system or school network such as IB Schools).
We currently encourage two broad article sub-types in this category:
- Problem framing articles
- Knowledge synthesis reports
Articles related to projects or initiatives aiming to improve some valued aspects of a school, cultural, regional, or global community.
We currently encourage two broad article sub-types in this category:
- Problem framing articles
- Intervention reports
Articles that report on school or community-based research that relates to aspects of understand the school or community, but do not necessarily have an immediate applied focus.
Articles related to or based on studies conducted with chatbots.
This can include:
- Systematic experiments with prompting ChatGPT (and/or one or more open source LLMs)
- Human-machine behavior research: experiments to understand interactions between human and machine behavior. E.g. the effect of ChatGPT use or non-use on writing length and quality.
Not everything fits perfectly into one box! We welcome and strongly encourage submissions that cut across the categories of our journal. You are encouraged to select all categories that are relevant to your aims and methods in the production of your contribution to our global community science project.
Editorial policies
Our journal is itself evolving cultural norms and technological capabilities as we grow our networks of cooperation. Our editorial policies are described here.
- Participating school communities must have administrative approval on file within our school field site database.
- Student participants must be 16+ years of age and/or have parental permission (as appropriate in your context) to use the chatbot and contribute anonymously to this project.
- No identifiable information about participants is allowed, neither within a chatbot transcript file, nor within any personal reflection data.
- Youth under 18 can be recognized for their contributions through first name or pseudonym acknowledgments.
Our journal focuses on a publishing through open-review and curation, following initial acceptance. We focus on welcoming diverse submissions that meet minimal standards for research ethics, format, topic, and writing quality. These initial publications will be archived in the repository, and available for various forms of youth and/or expert review (based on the authors interests and publication type). Through meeting higher levels of quality standards and review processes, repository articles may be selected for higher levels of publication and recognition within the journal.
Repository contributions:
- Must meet basic ethical and consent requirements
Article submissions:
- If you plan to submit an article that is not part of a call for submission, you are encouraged to contact the editors prior to submission.
- Submitted articles will be initially reviewed by a chief editor and/or topical editor for suitability formatting requirements.
- If basic requirements are met, the article will be published in our repository as an unreviewed article within one or more article categories.
- Upon publication, it is the responsibility of the author to organize and engage with peers or diverse experts to provide critical review and mentorship for the work.
- Reviewer commentary and subsequent article revisions can be added at any time.
- Articles that meet specific quality targets and review process requirements will be elevated by editorial teams into our core article section and collections as appropriate.
- Authors are encouraged and even, for some formats, required, to use AI chatbots for article or data contributions.
- For all submissions in which an AI chatbot was used to generate content, two supplemental files should be included:
- A brief description of your strategies and reflections on how you used the tool in relation to the quality and value of your contribution
- A .xlsx file containing the transcript(s) of your AI chatbot conversations
- For any submissions in which the authors claim AI chatbots (or related technologies) have not been used, we may require proof of writing process, e.g. in the form of document history screenshots, time-stamped prior drafts, and/or emails discussing prior drafts with co-authors or advisors.
Submission checklist
Before you enter the submission portal, please check to ensure you have completed all necessary prerequisites and have all documents ready.
- All required participants have appropriately registered in the system (required to enter the submission portal)
- All text or data has been produced according to ethical and technical guidelines (above)
- Informed consent has been gathered where appropriate
- Articles are formated according to the correct template
- Submission materials:
- Fully formated PDF (for article submissions)
- Machine-readable text file (.txt or .md)
- Article image files (.jpg or .png)
- Supplemental data (where appropriate, any file format)
- Brief narrative regarding use of AI Chatbots (e.g. ChatGPT) (or ’sign‘ the statement of non-use, within the submission form)
- Text of chatbot transcripts (.csv)