Calls for submissions

Be sure you have read all of the submission guidelines before you develop a specific project for submission to our journal.

Here you will find current and on-going calls for submissions. These are targeted themes that can span any of our article types.

Below is just an intitial range of broad calls for submissions, which may inform an evolving set of articles and collections.

We are actively seeking partners (youth, educators, scientists, and non-profits) in the on-going development of our calls for submissions.

Calls for youth and school community submissions

The release of ChatGPT represented the fastest spread of adoption of a new technology in the history of our human species. Schools around the world have found themselves largely unprepared to effectively navigate these new challenges and opportunities. The chatbot studies initiative of the Evolving Schools Community Science Journal is a call for contributions to a global open community science effort to generate and shape the future of educational chatbot competencies related to understanding the human condition and planetary sustainability through interdisciplinary scientific perspectives. 

How should students come to understand what Artificial Intelligences are and how they shape our human, economic, cultural, and ecological worlds? We welcome studies and perspsectives related to how students do, can, or should understand the nature and evolution of AIs from many disciplinary (subject area) perspectives.

How should students around the world learn about what it means to be human? We welcome studies and perspectives related to understanding human origins, diversity, and flexibility, and how schools do, could, or should engage students in understanding humans from a diversity of scientific and cultural perspectives. 

 What do individuals and groups within our school community know or think about our school? We welcome studies and perspectives related to a scientific understanding of how one or more school communities function in a particular context or domain.

How does human nature relate to school culture? Are schools well-adapted to fit the needs and interests of modern humans? We welcome diverse submissions reflecting on the opportunities and conflicts between how humans are and how schools operate. 

What does it mean for schools to evolve? We welcome studies and perspectives from students and student teams critically reflecting on this big question, from scientific and diverse cultural perspectives. 

Calls for expert, researcher, and professional submissions

What should students learn and understand about your research or expertise?

How do chatbots relate to your research or expertise

Submit any of the following:

  • Chatbot data with expert commentary
  • Expert-generated model chatbot conversations
  • Expert perspective pieces on the above questions (2-5 pages)

How should schools engage students and scientists as co-designers of effective educational policies related to the integration of AI as content for learning about conceptually, and context for developing student agency in learning itself? We welcome studies and perspsectives related to the fully diversity of educational policy issues that AI presents to school communities.

How do, can, or should schools design their own curriculum? What kinds of structures of knowledge are reflected within our school curricula? How can diverse subject areas work together towards a more meaningful and coherrent learning experience for students? We welcome submissions from diverse experts and professionals related to perspectives on interdiscplinary curriculum design within the scope of our journal topics. 

Is our community science journal doing what we say and think we are doing? Do we add value to the educational community? Do we add value to the scientific community? We welcome expert and broadly participatory perspectives that offer a critical analysis of the Evolving Schools project.