Evolution, Wellbeing, Sustainability


Discoverer, Noticer, Advisor Resources on the DNA-V model Psychologists Louise Hayes and Joseph Ciarocchi have developed the DNA-V model. It contains the metaphors of the “Discoverer“, “Noticer“,  and “Advisor” as well as Values, to help humans be aware of, make use of, and practice different skills towards valued living. https://vimeo.com/142767519?embedded=true&source=video_title&owner=33385105 The Discoverer Function: To increase […]

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Human Evolution Resources Emotions What is an emotion? What are emotions? How would you define the term? What characterizes emotions? What are some examples of emotions? What are some things that we do or that happen in us that are not examples of emotions? Lesson idea: Students work in groups to create a mind map

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