TeachingBase Type: Payoff Matrix
This model simulates the biological evolution of ethnocentrism in a population made up of multiple ethnicities.
A cooperation game that simulates the challenge of our stone age ancestors to acquire food in the African savanna
This model lets us explore how the appearance of certain social behaviors can affect evolutionary population dynamics.
In this lesson, students analyze a select real-world social-ecological system by looking at factors of the resource(s) and ecosystem, resource user behaviors, and governance,
Payoff matrices can help us analyze the behavioral strategies and possible outcomes in diverse situations across biology and society.
With these teaching materials, students can be introduced to game theory in general, as well as a concrete method, the public goods game. The
A set of behavioral experiments across cultures that explore the human sense of fairness.
A behavioral experiment across 40 countries that explored human motivations to return lost wallets to their owner