In a series of experiments, anthropologists wanted to find out whether chimpanzees and bonobos work together and share a common source of food. Results
Subject Area: Biology
All causal maps on human evolution in one Google slide file
Materials for constructing causal maps about the evolution of human traits on the blackboard
A handout that introduces students to the causal map to map the evolution and development of traits, with the example of upright walking
Google sheet template for entering and plotting the measurements of hominin fossil skulls
Instruction sheet for measuring cranial capacity, opisthion index and prognathism on fossil hominin skulls
Materials for constructing an initial causal map relating observable features of fossil hominin skulls, behaviors, and environmental conditions
An activity for students to explore and notice traits on fossil hominin skulls
Investigating the development and variation of attitudes children and young people have towards animals across diverse societies.
In this chapter, we argue that students’ conceptual understanding of CPR dilemmas through exploration and critical reflections on human and non-human examples is central