Source project

The original German EvoKids project. Knowledge of evolution is of central importance for the modern worldview. Therefore, children should learn as early as possible how the different forms of life on earth have developed. For this reason, the “Evokids” project is committed to ensuring that the important topic of “evolution” is not only taught in the 10th grade – as has been the case up to now – but already in elementary school. Read More »

The Jena Declaration

To mark the 112th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society in Jena, the Institute for Zoology and Evolutionary Research of Friedrich Schiller University Jena is organising an evening event on the subject of ‘Jena, Haeckel and the question of human races, or racism creates races’.

The joint declaration below provides information on this topic and was approved by the German Zoological Society and the President of Friedrich Schiller University Jena, who support the authors in their effort to act against scientific legitimations of racism.

The Jena Declaration Read More »


YPAR (Youth-led Participatory Action Research) is an innovative approach to positive youth and community development based in social justice principles in which young people are trained to conduct systematic research to improve their lives, their communities, and the institutions intended to serve them.

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