Curriculum Overload

„The curriculum is a mile wide, but only an inch deep!

„There always seems to be too much to do!

Teachers and students around the world have experienced stress or anxiety related to the quantity or nature of the school work required by their local curriculum

Our ProjectBase on Curriculum Overload will help you learn more about how you can become an agent of change in your school community!

In 2020, the OECD released a global report on the concept of curriculum overload, outlining basic definitions, causes, consequences, and directions for solutions. Key to their findings where a focus on deeper conceptual learning, participatory curriculum development, and flexible learning pathways. These three areas of innovation represent the focus of our project, working to create more adaptive interactions between curriculum structure and student agency.

Guiding Questions

How can schools adapt to the continued expansion of human knowledge?

How can our local school work to understand, address, and/or prevent curriculum overload?

Strategies for effective action

What specifically can you do as a student or teacher?

This page is a growing resource linking to important literature, research, concepts, tools, and methods for engaging the complex challenge of curriculum overload. 

Our project was originally inspired by this 2020 report from the OECD

Resources across the OpenEvo database