Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking

Wenseleers, T., Hart, A. G., & Ratnieks, F. L. W. (2004). When Resistance Is Useless: Policing and the Evolution of Reproductive Acquiescence in Insect Societies. The American Naturalist, 164(6), E154–E167.

Wenseleers, T., Hart, A. G., & Ratnieks, F. L. W. (2004). When Resistance Is Useless: Policing and the Evolution of Reproductive Acquiescence in Insect Societies. The American Naturalist, 164(6), E154–E167. Read More »

Wilson, D. S. (2016). Two meanings of complex adaptive systems. Complexity and evolution: Toward a new synthesis for economics, 31-46.

In complex systems theory, two meanings of a complex adaptive system (CAS) need to be distinguished. The first, CAS1, refers to a complex system that is adaptive as a system; the second, CAS2, refers to a complex system of agents which follow adaptive strategies. This insight applies to human social systems as well as biological systems and has pro- found consequences for economics and public policy.

Wilson, D. S. (2016). Two meanings of complex adaptive systems. Complexity and evolution: Toward a new synthesis for economics, 31-46. Read More »

Explore possibilities to re-organize the scope or sequence of curriculum delivery to achieve valued improvements

Using an analogy of epi-genetic expression in relation to the cultural genome of the school curriculum, educators and school stakeholders (including students) may explore possibilities to strategically organize the scope or sequence of the curriculum for a give class, subject, grade level or grade band.

Explore possibilities to re-organize the scope or sequence of curriculum delivery to achieve valued improvements Read More »