
Focus on interdisciplinary coherence in curricula design

Given the conceptual complexity of learning evolution science, students should be explicitly engaged in evolution education, including human evolution education, as a unifying, interdisciplinary perspective in the natural and social sciences starting in the first year of formal education and continuing every year thereafter.
(see EvoKids Resolution and OpenEvo Educational Design Concept).

Curricular coherence is multi-dimensional

  • Across grade levels (kindergarten through secondary school graduation)
  • Across subject areas or disciplines

Curricular coherence requires reflection on pluralism. Coherrence is not about having one single view point, but rather, understanding the full landscape and contexts of diverse points of view.

Curricular coherence should alleviate curriculum overload. Focusing on the relationships of core concepts across the evolutionary, behavioral, and sustainability sciences can help illuminate a more focused core curriculum in which educators and students with interests across subject areas can find themselves in understanding human origins, diversity, and flexibility towards a preferred future.