Materials for creating a causal map on the relationships between human behaviors, technologies, institutions, social and natural environments
Grade or Expertise Level: 9-12
A collection of materials for connecting past human evolution to the present and the future. Students explore global trends and relationships between human behavior,
Psychologists Louise Hayes and Joseph Ciarocchi have developed the DNA-V model. It contains the metaphors of the “Discoverer“, “Noticer“, “Advisor” and the “Valuer”,
This activity lets students explore the six different values domains by considering why we humans might have evolved to find these areas of life
In this activity students sort a range of examples of emotions into a matrix of good-bad and mild-intense. There are no right or wrong
Workshop: Computersimulationen zu Evolution und Nachhaltigkeit
Students learn about the concept of evolutionary mismatch and apply it to various problems of sustainable development.
An experiment in which researchers wanted to examine the role of teaching and communication in the transmission of toolmaking.