Die Methode eignet sich in allen Projektphasen, in denen Entscheidungen über Ideen oder Vorschläge getroffen werden sollen. Es werden bereits gesammelte Ideen und Vorschläge
Fach: Schulentwicklung
Tools for thinking about the origins, diversity, and flexibility of goal-directed behaviors
The School Portrait is a framework for capturing and reflecting on various dimensions of school. It can serve as a rapid assessment tool, or
The Youth Mayors Field Guide supports students to conduct projects for investigating local problems and developing solutions. The Field Guide focuses on skills for
Evolution is an interdisciplinary science. Evolutionary theory is routinely employed across the overlapping domains of the natural, social, and computational sciences, as a high
One of the “holy grails” of education is to develop in students the ability to transfer their prior learning to new contexts and, most importantly, to
The Community Science Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology is developing a unique model of Community-Based Cultural Evolution (CBCE) for inter-institutional
Develop a lower secondary school training program on deeper and more interdisciplinary perspectives in moral psychology