
True stories of people who left radical movements

In this unit students explore stories of people who have left a radical movement, or deliberately discuss with representatives of the “other side” and build respectful relationships. These let us explore the circumstances, experiences and insights about why prejudice, hatred and violence against other people or a group can arise and how they can dissolve again.

Students create a short presentation on a person and their story (alternatively, students can use other forms of presentation, such as video, poster, podcast etc.). Afterwards, the class brings together the impressions of all stories, compares and discusses their similarities and differences, and reflects on how we can ensure that people do not succumb to radical beliefs or join radical groups.

Overall, the stories invite us to take perspective and have empathy with people, thus allowing us to explore the more structural and ultimate causes of why radical movements exist and why people join them, beyond blaming individuals.


Author: Susan Hanisch

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