
Freeze frames

A freeze frame is a frozen constellation of a problem, social situation or topic. Relationships between people and essential character traits of people are presented.



approx. 30min


  • not absolutely necessary
  • if required, objects can be used as scenery



Social form

Individual/ Group



  1. The class chooses a topic that they would like to work on. This could be  a situation, a problem or a question.
  2. The class is divided into groups. The freeze frames can also be “built” by individual students (see photo).
  3. The group/individual discusses the topic and thinks about how the situation/problem could be constructed as a freeze frame and rehearses the image. Attention should be paid to posture, gestures and facial expressions.  Objects from the classroom can be used as elements of a setting.
  4. The group/person then presents the freeze frame to the group and remains in that position for about a minute.
  5. The audience observes the freeze frame and takes in its effect.
  6. The freeze frame is then discussed. First, the spectators describe the image and interpret it. Then the other players report on their feelings and assessments.
  7. Finally, the group/person is asked about their intentions and ideas and should comment on their classmates’ interpretations.

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