All causal maps on human evolution in one Google slide file
TeachingBase Type: Teaching Tools
Materials for constructing causal maps about the evolution of human traits on the blackboard
A handout that introduces students to the causal map to map the evolution and development of traits, with the example of upright walking
Chalkboard materials for constructing a causal map for the evolution of upright walking
Materials for constructing an initial causal map relating observable features of fossil hominin skulls, behaviors, and environmental conditions
Human intelligence seems to be a social, more than merely an individual phenomenon. What can we learn from comparing human societies to human brains?
The human brain is the seat of human agency, and yet this agency is caused by cellular agents unaware of our larger human goals.
Thinking tools are used across diverse lessons to develop the skills of evolutionary anthropologists, behavioral scientists, and sustainability scientists
Learning and Evolution are processes that are both similar and different, in important respects. What can humans learn by comparing these processes?
How can we understand the causal relationships between goals, behaviors, and outcomes?