Knowledge synthesis

Synthesizing not just relevant data, but also theories and perspectives from across contexts or traditions of knowledge production.

Czaczkes, T.J. (2022) Advanced cognition in ants. Myrmecological News.

Interest in the advanced cognitive abilities of insects has grown rapidly over the past decades. However, most studies have taken place on a handful of model organisms: fruit flies, honey bees, and bumblebees. Ants are in many ways ideal models for the study of cognition, offering a wide range of ecologies, often coupled with ease of training and maintenance. This review aims to collate the often disparate research on advanced cognition in ants.

Czaczkes, T.J. (2022) Advanced cognition in ants. Myrmecological News. Read More »

Rehfeldt, R. A., Tyndall, I., & Belisle, J. (2021). Music as a Cultural Inheritance System: A Contextual-Behavioral Model of Symbolism, Meaning, and the Value of Music. Behavior and Social Issues, 1-25.

Music is a pervasive cultural practice that has been present in ancient civilizations through to the present, yet its evolutionary signifcance has not been unequivocally determined. One position suggests that evolution favored music-related behaviors because such behaviors were linked to sexual selection and reproduction. A more recent perspective that is consistent with today’s evolutionary science framework suggests that music is a cultural-level adaptation because of the survival advantages it afords members of a community. This article explores the selection mechanisms responsible for the retention and transmission of music-related behaviors.

Rehfeldt, R. A., Tyndall, I., & Belisle, J. (2021). Music as a Cultural Inheritance System: A Contextual-Behavioral Model of Symbolism, Meaning, and the Value of Music. Behavior and Social Issues, 1-25. Read More »

Scaffold and ensure adaptive understandings of moral psychology

Humans across cultures and from early in childhood display a diversity of often strong moral beleifs and related actions in the world. Understanding the diversity and commonalities in human moral reasoning can be seen as a prequisite for engaging in public discourse on highly contentious and complex social or ecological issues. Schools can work to ensure an iterative, scaffolded, interdisciplinary curriculum that support adaptive understandings of diverse perspectives in moral psychology.

Scaffold and ensure adaptive understandings of moral psychology Read More »

Eirdosh, D., & Hanisch, S. (2019). The Role of Evolutionary Studies in Education for Sustainable Development. In: Geher, G., Wilson, D. S., Head, H., & Gallup, A. (Eds.) (2019). Darwin’s Roadmap to the Curriculum: Evolutionary Studies in Higher Education. Oxford University Press.

Exploring the potential to integrate interdicsiplinary approaches in evolutionary studies as a foundation for innovations in Education for Sustainable Development.

Eirdosh, D., & Hanisch, S. (2019). The Role of Evolutionary Studies in Education for Sustainable Development. In: Geher, G., Wilson, D. S., Head, H., & Gallup, A. (Eds.) (2019). Darwin’s Roadmap to the Curriculum: Evolutionary Studies in Higher Education. Oxford University Press. Read More »

Hanisch, S. & Eirdosh, D. (2020). Causal mapping as a teaching tool for reflecting on causation in human evolution. Science & Education.

We present a teaching tool, used widely in other parts of science and science education, yet perhaps underutilized in human evolution education—the causal map—as a novel direction for driving conceptual change in the classroom about the role of organism behavior and other factors in evolutionary change. We describe the scientific and conceptual basis for using such causal maps in human evolution education, as well as theoretical considerations for implementing the causal mapping tool in human evolution classrooms.

Hanisch, S. & Eirdosh, D. (2020). Causal mapping as a teaching tool for reflecting on causation in human evolution. Science & Education. Read More »

Hanisch, S. & Eirdosh, D. (2020). Educational potential of teaching evolution as an interdisciplinary science. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 13 (25).

Evolution education continues to struggle with a range of persistent challenges spanning aspects of conceptual understanding, acceptance, and perceived relevance of evolutionary theory by students in general education. This article argues that a gene-centered conceptualization of evolution may inherently limit the degree to which these challenges can be effectively addressed, and may even precisely contribute to and exacerbate these challenges.

Hanisch, S. & Eirdosh, D. (2020). Educational potential of teaching evolution as an interdisciplinary science. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 13 (25). Read More »