Evolutionary Thinking

Evolutionary Thinking

Eldakar, O. T., & Wilson, D. S. (2011). Eight criticisms not to make about group selection. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution, 65(6), 1523-1526.

Group selection, which was once widely rejected as a significant evolutionary force, is now accepted by all who seriously study the subject. There is still widespread confusion about group selection, however, not only among students and the general public, but among professional evolutionists who do not directly study the subject. We list eight criticisms that are frequently invoked against group selection, which can be permanently laid to rest based upon current knowledge. Experts will always find something to critique about group selection, as for any important subject, but these eight criticisms are not among them. Laying them to rest will enable authors to openly use the term group selection without being handicapped during the review process.

Eldakar, O. T., & Wilson, D. S. (2011). Eight criticisms not to make about group selection. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution, 65(6), 1523-1526. Read More »


The original German EvoKids project. Knowledge of evolution is of central importance for the modern worldview. Therefore, children should learn as early as possible how the different forms of life on earth have developed. For this reason, the “Evokids” project is committed to ensuring that the important topic of “evolution” is not only taught in the 10th grade – as has been the case up to now – but already in elementary school.

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The Jena Declaration

To mark the 112th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society in Jena, the Institute for Zoology and Evolutionary Research of Friedrich Schiller University Jena is organising an evening event on the subject of ‘Jena, Haeckel and the question of human races, or racism creates races’.

The joint declaration below provides information on this topic and was approved by the German Zoological Society and the President of Friedrich Schiller University Jena, who support the authors in their effort to act against scientific legitimations of racism.

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Evolving Minds: Learning as Evolution, Evolution as Learning

This article explores the relationship between the scientific and vernacular use of the evolution concept as it relates to individual and social learning processes. We argue that the systematic exploration of learning as an evolutionary process, and evolution as a learning process holds untapped educational potential, a potential that is hampered by systemic conceptual biases among mainstream evolution educators. 

Evolving Minds: Learning as Evolution, Evolution as Learning Read More »

Wilson, D. S. (2016). Two meanings of complex adaptive systems. Complexity and evolution: Toward a new synthesis for economics, 31-46.

In complex systems theory, two meanings of a complex adaptive system (CAS) need to be distinguished. The first, CAS1, refers to a complex system that is adaptive as a system; the second, CAS2, refers to a complex system of agents which follow adaptive strategies. This insight applies to human social systems as well as biological systems and has pro- found consequences for economics and public policy.

Wilson, D. S. (2016). Two meanings of complex adaptive systems. Complexity and evolution: Toward a new synthesis for economics, 31-46. Read More »

Czaczkes, T.J. (2022) Advanced cognition in ants. Myrmecological News.

Interest in the advanced cognitive abilities of insects has grown rapidly over the past decades. However, most studies have taken place on a handful of model organisms: fruit flies, honey bees, and bumblebees. Ants are in many ways ideal models for the study of cognition, offering a wide range of ecologies, often coupled with ease of training and maintenance. This review aims to collate the often disparate research on advanced cognition in ants.

Czaczkes, T.J. (2022) Advanced cognition in ants. Myrmecological News. Read More »

Darwin Tunes

Darwin Tunes was a project in the 2010’s. DarwinTunes was developed as a digital test-bed for the evolution of music, the oldest and most widespread form of culture; and, thanks to your participation, they have shown that reasonably complex and pleasing music can evolve purely under selection by listeners.

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