Google sheet template for entering and plotting the measurements of hominin fossil skulls
Grade or Expertise Level: 9-12
Instruction sheet for measuring cranial capacity, opisthion index and prognathism on fossil hominin skulls
Materials for constructing an initial causal map relating observable features of fossil hominin skulls, behaviors, and environmental conditions
An activity for students to explore and notice traits on fossil hominin skulls
Human intelligence seems to be a social, more than merely an individual phenomenon. What can we learn from comparing human societies to human brains?
The human brain is the seat of human agency, and yet this agency is caused by cellular agents unaware of our larger human goals.
A collection of lesson materials to explore the nature of human morality in the light of evolution and sustainability
The Noticing Tool helps us be aware of and interpret our experiences and behaviors in the present and to orient our behaviors towards valued
Classroom resources for exploring (the evolution of) human needs, values, and well-being
Human Evolution Resources Cumulative Culture Physicist Isaac Newton once said of the importance of his scientific accomplishments: “I could only look so far because