In this chapter, we argue that students’ conceptual understanding of CPR dilemmas through exploration and critical reflections on human and non-human examples is central
Concept: Sustainable resource use
This model adds cultural evolutionary dynamics through behavior imitation to the evolution of resource use behavior.
A general framework is used to identify 10 subsystem variables that affect the likelihood of self-organization in efforts to achieve a sustainable social-ecological system.
This model lets us explore how the appearance of certain social behaviors can affect evolutionary population dynamics.
Evolutionary Anthropology in the Primary School – a pre-service primary teacher module
Humans across cultures and from early in childhood display a diversity of often strong moral beleifs and related actions in the world. Understanding the
Our interdisciplinary teacher’s guide outlines our educational design concept. It provides introductory readings around core concepts of human sciences and ideas for exploring them
How can we use insights about human evolution, human behavior, and the causal interactions in social-ecological systems to address local, regional and global sustainability