
Teaching Human Behavior: A Guide to Lesson Development and Evaluation

The scientific fields of evolutionary anthropology and behavioral sciences have produced a wealth of new insights into the nature of human behavior, cognition and culture, especially in the last several decades. This science offers immense opportunities for education in the 21st century, particularly considering the role of human behavior as driver – and solution – of many sustainable development challenges. For complex reasons, the research questions, concepts, methods, and insights of these fields have not trickled down into general education curricula  and teaching practice in a manner that would allow teachers and students to gain a deeper and connected understanding of our species, and make use of this knowledge for their own lives, and towards a sustainable development of society as a whole. There is a genuine need to support educators in integrating this science into their teaching. This is why we have advanced the Global ESD Design Concept and begun to develop teaching materials and teacher guidance in various forms.

Aim of this guide

Achieving these aims requires a network of collaborators. With this guide, we want to enable everyone who is interested to help translate resources across the human sciences into a variety of creative commons teaching materials for use by classrooms around the world. Efforts ranging from looking out for interesting and relevant published scientific studies or syntheses, to the development of a full lesson plan, to testing and evaluating selected lesson materials with a classroom or group of teachers, all can help advance the broader vision. Many efforts are needed to advance the teaching of human behavior as an interdisciplinary theme in general education.

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