Human Evolution Resources Evolution of endurance running Many features of our body and our physiology suggest that they are not merely adaptations to upright
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Human Evolution Resources Childhood, teaching, learning Primates, and apes in particular, have a long developmental phase (relative to the total lifespan) compared to other
Human Evolution Resources Creativity and flexibility Many traits are strongly influenced by genetic inheritance. Through random mutations in the genome, new features and traits
Human Evolution Resources Cultural Evolution At Darwin’s time, nothing was known about genes. Darwin and others only knew from observations in the world that
Human Evolution Resources Gene-culture Co-evolution Biological evolution and cultural evolution are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they can influence each other. Genetically evolved
Human Evolution Resources Hominins The Hominini include all members of the lineage that separates us from our closest relatives, the chimpanzees. The only surviving
Human Evolution Resources Brain Size One of the most striking and well-known features that characterize our species is the size of our brain. The
Content anchors reflect the concepts, methods, and perspectives of evolutionary anthropology, behavioral, and sustainability sciences.
Information and teaching materials on the evolution of upright walking in our species
Our collection of resources for learning about human origins and evolution