Subject Area: ESD

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A research journal helps students to record information, observations, expectations, wishes, results and reflections. This allows them to accompany the research process independently. The
In this method, the students work with a matrix in which they can categorize different projects and research ideas. This helps them to prioritize
This game is particularly suitable as an introductory game for a group that does not yet know each other. The students are supposed to
Description The method helps pupils to empathize with different positions on a topic and to thereby come to a more differentiated understanding of a problem.
In this method, students write wishes, ideas, reflections or proposed solutions anonymously on small pieces of paper. The group then discusses the anonymized notes
Students write criticisms on colored sheets of paper on a specific topic. These are collected and stuck on a large sheet of paper, the
This method helps students to analyze images, illustrations and photos using questions regarding their intended purpose.
The method is a problem-solving technique in which an initially targeted question is reversed, requiring a different approach. For example, instead of considering how
In this method, several caricatures on a topic are compared and analyzed. This provides an overview of different interpretations of a topic.