We are organizing and synthesizing the scientific literature that informs our educational design concept. This includes research from across diverse disciplines, including educational design research and the interdisciplinary sciences of behavior, cognition, and culture.

The OpenEvo LiteratureBase is linked to our curated public Zotero collection. For best use, you can join the group with your Zotero account and/or import any biblographic data from our site using the (cite) links in the search results below.
We are continously adding and improving the biblographic data within our literaturebase, and periodically use network visualization tools to document the conceptual and disciplinary networks of science that our projects seek to connect. Click the images below to expand your view into these networks.
Use the search bar below to explore our growing base of understanding. Note that inclusion within the OpenEvo LiteratureBase is in no way an ‘endorsement’ of the claims, nor validation of the quality, of any particular item of scholarship. The inclusion of research here only requires that the item is relevant to the interdisciplinary discussions related to our educational design concept.