Concept: Values
The current study tested the effectiveness of a psychological intervention, called values affirmation, in reducing the gender achievement gap in a college-level introductory physics
In a randomized field experiment with high school students, we found that a relevance intervention, which encouraged students to make connections between their lives
This intervention, a series of brief but structured writing assignments focusing students on a self-affirming value, reduced the racial achievement gap. Over 2 years,
The present study examined the impact of online goal-setting training with and without personal values exploration (drawn from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) on a
Evolutionary Anthropology in the Primary School – a pre-service primary teacher module
Develop a middle grades training program on foundations in moral psychology
Can infants already distinguish between what is morally right and wrong? This video explores experiments with babies to answer these questions.
This lesson is about exploring the concept of values with students and having them identify and reflect on what they personally value, or what