Develop a lower secondary school training program on deeper and more interdisciplinary perspectives in moral psychology
Concept: Social dilemma
Evolutionary Anthropology in the Primary School – a pre-service primary teacher module
Develop a middle grades training program on foundations in moral psychology
Humans across cultures and from early in childhood display a diversity of often strong moral beleifs and related actions in the world. Understanding the
Evolutionary anthropologists commonly describe humans as a highly cooperative species, based on our evolved socio-cognitive capacities. However, students and the general public may not
With these teaching materials, students can be introduced to game theory in general, as well as a concrete method, the public goods game. The
In a classroom simulation game with changing conditions students develop strategies for the use of a common resource so that the profit for the
A group game that lets students experience the dilemma between self-interest and collective interest when groups have to work together to achieve shared goals.
A cooperation game that lets students experience some of the challenges of cooperation in addressing global climate change
A behavioral experiment that tells us about the role of unconscious perception, particularly the perception of human eyes, on human social behavior.